Practicals and Activities
On this page you will find lots of activities which can be carried out at home to further learning about the circular economy and other related issues such a life cycle analysis, recycling and waste problems!
Some of these are practical experiments and others are worksheets which can help compliment topics learnt at school, or introduce important sustainability topics you may not have heard of.
Most of these are aimed at students at GCSE level, however they can be adapted for a slightly younger audience, whilst also contributing to learning for adults too!
Clicking on one of the images below will bring up step-by-step instructions for the experiment or activity, as well as background information to aid learning! Each activity can be downloaded and printed off.
Let's make a landfill!
The aim of this experiment is to see what happens to food waste when it breaks down in landfill.
Making natural dyes!
In this experiment you will create a natural dye from food waste and use it to dye your old clothes.
How much is your old phone worth?!
The aim of this activity is to see how much your old electronic items are worth.
How are things separated?!
In this experiment you will use a variety of different chemical separation techniques on everyday household items.
Edible water pods!
In this experiment you will make edible and biodegradable water pods as an alternative to plastic bottles.